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March 21, 2024

  • College Updates
    • Northwest Campus Library Spring Book Sale 
    • Internal Auditor Spring 2024 Newsletter
    • Climate Community Day
    • Meet With a Financial Consultant
    • Active Threat Training Explainer
    • Annual Benefits Open Enrollment April 8-22
    • Schedule Your Cesar Chavez Day
    • Submit a Pima Story Idea
  • Pima Arts News
    • Check Out the Ongoing and Upcoming Shows
  • Employee Wellness
    • Sign Up for Virtual Workshops and Challenges

College Updates
Northwest Campus Library Spring Book Sale
Support 环保和可持续发展,同时满足你对书籍的热爱! Northwest Campus Library is having a Spring Book Sale. The sale will be held in Student Life (D201). Everything is $1. Cash and card payments accepted. 欲了解更多信息,请致电西北校园图书馆520-206-2250.

The dates and times are:

  • March 25, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • March 26, noon-3 p.m.
  • March 27, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Internal Auditor Spring 2024 Newsletter
Read the Internal Auditor Spring 2024 Newsletter on Pima’s Intranet. 为即将到来的问题提供建议或期望的主题,请发送电子邮件 Jose Saldamando with the word “Newsletter” in the subject line.

Climate Community Day
Climate Community Day is April 2. Everyone is invited to attend this all day event at Downtown Campus. 会议的重点是气候解决方案、气候正义和社区参与. All sessions are free and open to the public. For more information, consult the flyer and website, or contact: [email protected]. a

Meet With a Financial Consultant
Is your financial future secure? 不确定你是否存够了钱,甚至不知道从哪里开始? 与金融专业人士预约一次免费咨询.

More information can be found on the employee Intranet.

Active Threat Training Explainer

基本的主动射击研讨会(ASWS)是一个介绍运行, "要么躲起来,要么打起来"的概念,还包括早上的长篇演讲. 这让参与者有时间处理信息,并就一些人第一次学习的概念提出问题. 该最全菠菜导航还提供了更深入的Stop The Bleed演示. 基本ASWS中的四个场景非常特定于三个选项中的一个(运行, hide or fight). 

高级培训日包括一个浓缩的幻灯片演示,作为参与者在基础培训最全菠菜导航中学到的复习. Stop the Bleed also is taught in a condensed format, 但参与者将有机会尝试课堂上教授的技巧. 会有5到6个额外的场景,它们会更加动态,因为会有不止一个选项来解决这些情况. At the end of the day, 皮马县治安部门将播放一个最后接触场景,让参与者看到警方对枪击案的反应. Attendees are incorporated into this scenario. 任何其他问题,请参考大学应急管理,电话:520-206-2638或 [email protected].

Annual Benefits Open Enrollment April 8-22
2024-2025福利计划年度的开放注册时间为4月8日至22日. 符合福利条件的员工如果想要更新他们当前的福利选择,可以通过在线注册门户网站MyPima进行更新, @Work, Benefits Enrollment link, 4月8日开始(不接受提前提交的作品). 

现场福利博览会将于4月10日上午8-9:30在东校区举行.m., at Desert Vista Campus from 10:30 a.m.-noon and at Downtown Campus from 2-4 p.m.

Virtual 在整个注册期间,还将提供一对一的预约. Stay tuned! 更多信息将在员工服务中心发布 Open Enrollment page. If you have any questions, contact the Employee Service Center Benefits Team, 520-206-4945.

Schedule Your Cesar Chavez Day
塞萨尔·查韦斯日的正式和临时工作人员和行政人员的纪念活动是一个浮动假期,可以在三月的任何工作日进行. 符合条件的员工应尽快与他们的主管安排他们的浮动凯撒查韦斯日假期. 非豁免员工应将其记录在考勤卡上. Email the Employee Service Center if you have questions.

Submit a Pima Story Idea
学院希望突出我们优秀的学生和校友的令人难以置信的成就. We need your help! 我们想用故事来激励现在的和潜在的学生, stories that deserve to be shared with our community. 如果你知道任何鼓舞人心的成功故事或卓越的成就,我们的学生或毕业生, we would love to hear from you. Please take a moment to share your story ideas. 让我们一起关注他们的成就,并突出我们皮马社区的多样化和非凡的旅程. If you have questions, contact Web Systems.

Pima Arts News

Check out the ongoing and upcoming shows:

  • “蔡斯·科尔曼-民族主义钢琴独奏会”,4月12日,7页.m. Recital Hall, West Campus Center for the Arts (CFA). Free. 欲了解更多信息,请联系CFA票房,520-206-6986. 著名古典和爵士钢琴家蔡斯·科尔曼将演奏肖邦和哈恰图良的作品, as well as Mussorgsky’s “Pictures At An Exhibition.”
  • “The Oppenheimers: One is Dad, Dimensions of Engineering,” through June 7, Desert Vista Art Gallery at Desert Vista Campus. Free. This exhibit is a narrative of Ernesto A. 特鲁希略的父亲在国防工业任职期间通过混合媒体印刷. 他父亲的军事经历因追求更高效的武器而受到损害, leading to haunting nightmares. 特鲁希略的展览让我们得以一窥创新的阴暗面. For more information, contact David Andres.
  • 玛塔·奥尔蒂斯——吉娃娃村的陶器和摄影,” through March 29, Visual Arts Gallery at West Campus. Free. Journey into the heart of Mata Ortiz, a remote Mexican village renowned for its pottery, as potter Jorge Quintana presents some of his pieces. 另外还将展出美国基金会收藏的陶器和图森艺术博物馆玛塔·奥尔蒂斯收藏的陶器. For more information, contact David Andres.
  • “梦境与其他故事——学生艺术展”,至8月. 18, The Art Gallery @ Downtown Campus. Free. 这个年度展览的特色是由皮马艺术学生创作的油画和素描. For more information, contact Mariana Carreras.

For details, visit the Pima Arts Calendar. For questions, contact 520-206-6986 or [email protected].

Employee Wellness

Sign Up for Virtual Workshops and Challenges
Sign up online for Employee Wellness virtual workshops and challenges.

访问员工健康内部网页面,获取免费资源和工具. Employees also are encouraged to visit the Employee Wellness website for additional resources, 关于Pima健康奖励计划和符合Pima健康活动积分的健康相关活动的新闻和信息. You also can keep current on the latest wellness news.

@PimaNews is an electronic newsletter for employee news of Pima Community College. 市场办公室每周四出版这份电子通讯, 除非学院因假期或休息而关闭, 在学期和夏季每隔一周. 请发送公告和新闻- 75字或以下-至 [email protected] by noon on Monday. Check any links before sending. Back issues are available on the @PimaNews webpage. 该通讯也接受有关皮马员工成就的投稿.


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